THE IMPACT OF TRANING ON EMPLOYEES JOB SATISFACTION CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Today's organizations are facing tough challenges to survive in the global scenario. In order to survive, organizations need to transform themselves into learning organizations and train its members to adapt to the constant changing competitive business environment. Employee satisfaction is influenced by many factors such as company's overall policies, working conditions, training and development and relationship between employer and employee. In modern era with increased emphasis on flexible work conditions, employees are rapidly searching for employers who will offer them continued opportunity to develop and update their skills and experience. Employers train employees driving them to a better job performance and this increasing their level of satisfaction. Various authors have various definitions of training. Training is a learning procedure that seeks to bring out long lasting improvement in the ability and behaviour of employees to enable them learns new skills, knowledge and attitude. Some definitions are: Training is the organize procedure by which people learn skills and improve knowledge for a definite purpose (Dale S.Beach, 1980). Training is a process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform jobs are improved. (Michael J, Jucius, 1955).Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a specific job. (Edwin B. Flippo, 1971). Drucker (1984) defined training as a “Systematic process of altering the behavior and/or attitude of employees in a direction to achieve organizational goals. Klatt, Murdick & Schuster, (1985) said that training is concerned with technical/manual skills to non-managerial staff. Development, on the other hand, is planned activities which focus on increasing and enlarging the capabilities of employees so that they can successfully handle greater and/or assume higher positions in the organizations hierarchy to better handle current responsibilities. Mirza Saiyadain (1988) stated that “Training is an activity aimed to improve the performance of the existing staff to meet the future needs of the organization”. Opportunities for training and development are paramount in decisions regarding employee career choice. This study examines the relationship or impact of training on employee job satisfaction. Components of job training include time spent in training, training methodologies and content were determined to be significant in their relationship between training and employee job satisfaction. Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is the application of knowledge & gives people an awareness of rules & procedures to guide their behavior. It helps in bringing about positive change in the knowledge, skills & attitudes of employees. According to Mukherjee (2007) organizations cannot survive without training and development of employees thus, training is a process that tries to improve skills or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job or to mould him to be fit for a higher job involving higher responsibilities Employee job satisfaction is commonly researched topic by researchers. Employees are the most precious asset for any company as they can build or destroy the reputation of the company and they can affect the profitability (Elnaga and Imran, 2013). Employee job satisfaction plays a crucial role for any organization. He’s positivity will leads to success, while he’s negativity may leads to the company’s failure. It is usually perceived that if employees are satisfied with their jobs, their performance will be much better than those employees who are not happy with their work. Job satisfaction is a concept based on the premise that the happiest worker is also the most productive worker (Wright & Staw, 1999) and that to people happy in their work, their job doesn’t feel as if it is work at all (Wright & Cropanzano, 2004). Greenberg and Baron (2008), for instance, viewed job satisfaction as a feeling that can produce a positive or negative effect toward one’s roles and responsibilities at work and added that it is important to understand the concept of job satisfaction as there is no single way to satisfy all workers in the workplace. Robbins and Judge (2007) saw it as a positive feeling toward a person’s job. This concept, according to George and Jones (2008), is the combination of feelings and beliefs, which include the mental, emotional, and physical domains. Job satisfaction can also be defined as a worker’s emotional response to different job related factors resulting in finding pleasure, comfort, confidence, rewards, personal growth and various positive opportunities, including upward mobility, recognition and appraisal done on a merit pattern with monetary value as compensation (Greenberg & Baron, 2008; Robbins & Judge, 2007; George & Jones, 2008) definition is summarized by saying that job satisfaction is reflected as an employee’s general affective assessment of himself/herself in the context of his or her job. As stand-alone concepts, the relationship between job satisfaction and job training has each been researched extensively. However, new information can be gained when reviewing literature on the concepts together. This review of literature shows that there are many outcomes, results or effects in the complex relationship between the concepts of job training and job satisfaction. Training and development practitioners must be aware of these connections in the planning and promotion of workplace training programs, as they go far beyond what might be considered traditional outcomes of training. Managers and supervisors must also understand the meanings that employees assign to job training, and the outcomes or effects, including job satisfaction, and that job training has on employees. 1.2 Research Questions To achieve the objectives of this study, some questions needs to be formulated and answers provided in relation to the objectives earlier stated. As a result of this, answers to the following questions will be sought for in the course of this study Is there a relationship between on the job training and employee job satisfaction? Is there a relationship between off the job training method and employee job satisfaction Is there a relationship between training and employee job satisfaction? 1.3 Objectives of the Study The broad objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of training on employee’s job satisfaction. The specific objectives are as follow To determine if there is a relationship between on-the job training method on employee job satisfaction To determine if there is a relationship between off-the job training method and employee job satisfaction. To find out if there is a relationship between training and employee job satisfaction. 1.4 Research Hypothesis Hypothesis 1 HO: There is no significant relationship between on the job training method and employee job satisfaction. HA: There is a significant relationship between on the job training and employee job satisfaction. Hypothesis 2 HO: There is no significant relationship between off the job training method and employee job satisfaction. HA: There is a significant relationship between off the job training method and employee job satisfaction. Hypothesis 3 HO: There is no significant relationship between training and employees job satisfaction HA: There is a significant relationship between training and employees job satisfaction. 1.5 Statement of the Problem Employee training has been identified as a very critical issue in an organization. As a result of this, many researchers over the years have taken out time to examine the issues which have led to the existence of different empirical evidence and literature on the subject matter. In as much as there is numerous empirical evidence provided by various researchers over the years, it has been observed that a very large number of the available literatures on the subject examine such in relation to organizational performance. Quite a number of such studies also examined the subject in relation to employee job performance with little of these researches examining the issue in relation to employee satisfaction in an organization which is the major determinant of organizational productivity. In view of the above gaps, this study is carried out to examine the issue of employee training in an organization and how such training affects the job satisfaction of such trained employee. 1.6 Significance of the Study Taking into consideration the importance of training, this study will provide a detailed analysis and understanding of the impact of training on employee job satisfaction. The findings of this study will be of immense benefit to the following; government and governmental agencies, advertising agencies, consumers, and students in this field of study. The wide ranging outcomes of this study will be used for policy formulation by governments and non-governmental agencies, when dealing with relating to employee train gang employee job satisfaction. This study will serve as bedrock for organizations that focus on building a strong and unique organizational networking. Organizations small, medium or large will find it valuable as they strategize in their various industries. More importantly, it will fulfill the initial purpose of project research in Nigeria by contributing expressively an expediently to nation building. This study will greatly contribute to the existing literature, thereby strengthening further researches on the concept of training and employee job satisfaction. 1.7 Scope of the Study The scope of this research is the impact of training on employee job satisfaction. It will cover functional departments within University Of Benin, Benin City Edo State. This study would be carried out in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria 1.8 Limitations of the Study The research work is limited by a number of challenges, For example they were difficulties in extracting the relevant sufficient materials and other written works that cover the scope of this study. The drawback of time factor and heavy workload from other courses required for the degree programme served as a major constraint to the exercise. However, the reliability and validity of the study remain largely unaffected. References Dale S. Beach (1980). Personnel : The Management of People at Work, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York pp. 244 Drucker, P. I. (1984). The Practice of Management, London Heinemann, , pp.201 Dubbashi P.R. (1983). Strengthening of training facilities, Souvenir of Cooperative Training College, Bangalore pp.1 Edwin B. Flippo, (1971). Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi pp. 194 Edwin B. Flippo, (1971). Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi pp. 194 Greenberg, J., and Baron, R., (2008). Behavior in Organizations, 9th edition,
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